Dr. Mary Lu Arpaia
As a statewide extension specialist for subtropicalfruit at UC Riverside, Dr.Mary Lu Arpaia has both an educational and research program dealing with all aspects of citrus and avocado production, with an emphasis on postharvest handling.

Felix Holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Science from State University of New York Buffalo. He is the President and founder Felix Instruments.

Dr. Esther Kimani
The immediate former Managing Director of KEPHIS has a history of working in the government agricultural research and regulatory services.

Merchant Marine officer, from Merchant Marine Academy in Marseille, Eric Legros joined CMA CGM in 1993 as ship manager.
Two times expatriated, Eric Legros worked in Singapore in 1997 for 3 years in charge of Operations in South East Asia and in Hong Kong in 2007 for 3 years in charge of North and Central China commercial developments.
Eric Legros occupied several positions at CMA CGM HQ: Asia to Med or Latin America departments as trade manager then line manager and lately developing the worldwide refrigerated cargo transportation activity as deputy Vice President from 2010 to 2018.
Heading the Specialized Products, which includes Reefer traffics, project cargo (XXL) , Defense and explosives, Aid & Relief, Eric Legros is promoting expertise of CMA CGM Group in several niche sectors, differentiating from competition and enhancing customer centricity.
After a 2-year experience as head of the REEFER department at CEVA Logistics, he took over the management of CMA CGM's Specialty Products division in 2022.
Married and father of 2 children (22 and 19).